
Landing on the moon: an open lecture on the "Media History"

Institutional Communication Service

The moon landing in 1969 will haunt the human imagination across the globe for a long time to come. 50 years from the event the Chair of the course “Media History” proposes a public lecture on the socio-cultural implications of the moon landing and its media coverage with original audiovisual recordings from the RSI archive.

The lecture within the course “Media History” (Bachelor in Communication Sciences), is organised by USI Faculty of Communication Sciences in collaboration with RSI, and L’ideatorio, and it will be held on Wednesday, 27 November from 10:30 to 12:15 in room A21 on Lugano campus (Red building).

The lecture will feature Sarah-Haye Aziz, Head of RSI Video Archives, Giovanni Pellegri, Head of USI's L’ideatorio and Gabriele Balbi, Associate Professor in media studies at USI.