
Convergence and Distance: screening of "Midnight Traveler"

Institutional Communication Service

On the occasion of the eighth Human Rights Film Festival in Lugano, the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society hosts the screening of the film Midnight Traveler of the Afghan director Hassan Fazili. The screening will be held in the Aula magna of USI, West Campus Lugano (Via Buffi 13), on Wednesday 13 October 2021 at 6 pm.

By exploring a long and uncertain fleeing from Afghanistan from an authobiographical point of view, the film invites to a broader reflection on the differences and similarities of refugees' conditions: life as a journey, the defence of humanity and dignity, the importance of affects and the force we derive from them. The projection will be accompanied by an introduction from the director, present via live-streaming, and a debate between experts and refugees.

The event is part of the project Convergence and distance promoted by the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, with which USI wishes to strengthen and enrich its bond with citizens and institutions on the territory about central topics of today's society.


The screening is open to the public and subject to availability, access is granted by presenting a Covid certificate and a valid ID (from 16 y.o.). Partecipation to the event is free, voluntary contributions are possible. The film will be presented in original with Italian subtitles.