
Colin Porlezza appointed member of the Federal Media Commission

Institutional Communication Service

At its meeting on 16 February 2022, the Federal Council appointed three new members to the Federal Media Commission (FOMC): Colin Porlezza, Larissa Bieler, Christine Gabella. They will succeed Milena Folletti, Andrea Masüger and Anna Jobin as of 1 March 2022. 

Colin Porlezza is assistant professor of digital journalism at Università della Svizzera italiana. He is involved, among other things, in research on the use and ethics of artificial intelligence in journalism and brings the Southern Switzerland perspective to the Commission. 

The extra-parliamentary Federal Media Commission (FMEC) is an independent commission of experts set up by the Federal Council. It advises the authorities with regard to the media, such as on the development of social communications, and contributes to sustainable solutions for shaping the future of the Swiss media system. 


The full press release can be found here