
The Institute of Media and Journalism at USI examines the role of the media and creative industries in their social, technological and economic context, through a plurality of perspectives attentive to both the historical dimension through archival research and present and future challenges of the digital media world including Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data and social media. It conducts teaching and research activities at the Bachelor, Master and doctoral levels. IMeG is supported by the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society.


Main areas

IMeG carries out research activities particularly in the following areas:

  • Journalism, AI and big data;
  • The history and development of media digitalization and digital media in contemporary societies;
  • Young people, older people and intergenerational relations in media consumption;
  • Social media management in its economic and cultural context;
  • The development of fandom and media;
  • Climate change communications with special relevance to young people;
  • Cultural and creative industries, including music.

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European Journalism Observatory - EJO
The European Journalism Observatory was created to facilitate collaboration between researchers and practitioners in the field and thus help improve the quality of journalism, foster a deeper understanding of the media and promote press freedom. IMeG was a co-founder of the Observatory that involves numerous European countries.

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China Media Observatory - CMO
The China Media Observatory (CMO) has as its main objective to analyse the evolution of the media system in China from economic, political, social and cultural perspectives.

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